Show Off Your SharpTools Dashboards!

It’s time to show off! We want this to be the place where users can get inspired and your creativeness is admired. :grinning:

Post your SharpTools dashboard screenshots or videos here, and we’d love to see how you created your unique dashboards. With all the dashboard customization options, image background settings, and other great features, only the sky is the limit for how the dashboard looks and being used.

Feel free to describe your dashboards’ setups and the story behind the design.

EDIT: many of the shared dashboards in this thread use the Theme & Style and Custom CSS features. See links below for more details.

Here are the community maintained CSS snippets:


Here’s my main dashboard. I haven’t had a chance to play with all the latest features but I’m enjoying some of the new background settings. The gradient is a nice touch.

Is there any way to group my moisture sensors together?


@Chris_C, that’s a pretty slick dashboard. What do you mean by grouping the moisture sensors? Do you mean the aggregated moisture sensors’ status? If so, check out the post below for using Rule Engine to aggregate multiple sensor’s status into a virtual switch. :wink:

Yes, a single tile showing the combined status for 4 moisture sensors. I will have to check this out. Thanks!

These are screenshots of my wall panels I am building out of a couple Amazon Kindle HD 10 devices. The placeholder boxes are devices I removed from HE and have not added back yet.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Request: Link to Dashboard from Aggregated Data

Hey All, here’s some photos of my iPad dashboard. I have a total of 12 dashboards, 6 for my desktop and 6 for my tablet. I built each room to fit my desktop monitor first, then duplicated and arranged to fit the iPad screen.

I went for a clean and simplistic look hence the white background and large tiles to fit all of the space. The homepage is read only with a bing map showing the status of the local traffic and also a 2x2 tile where went for kind of digital photo frame type thing using google photos animations. From the homepage i click the icons in the top right to take me to a separate dash for the living room, kitchen / dining room, first floor, security and lighting, all sticking to a similar layout.

The security dash is the busiest… All sensors are green until active where they would turn a dark red to indicate movement or open. I have a few columns showing all of my sensors battery lives (will work on renaming) and a column for Home Monitor, the current active state tile is highlighted in green. Unfortunately i have the Samsung Smartcam Pro monitoring my drive so i cant get a live feed to the homepage or security page :frowning: Unless someone can show me otherwise?

Hope this provides whoever is here looking for it, some inspiration… I only created my account this week and spent most of my time trying to find/create a layout i liked :laughing:!

Feedback & Recommendations would be appreciated.


How do you get that calendar

It was the “Month” option at the top of the list of “Calendars” when I was adding things to my dashboard.

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I’m trying to follow. I went to manage resources, added the link for my calendar and then added calendar tile. This basic calendar came out showing one day at a time?

That’s a really neat idea. I’ll have to give that a try!

i have the Samsung Smartcam Pro monitoring my drive so i cant get a live feed to the homepage or security page :frowning: Unless someone can show me otherwise?

It would have to output a supported format like MJPEG or have an integration with an NVR like Blue Iris or TinyCam (each of which can convert video streams to MJPEG).

Edit: The following thread seems hopeful. It seems like at least some of the SmartCam models have RTSP, JPEG, and MJPEG options:

Feedback & Recommendations would be appreciated.

It was a bit hard to get a good glance at each dashboard as they were moving by pretty fast, but it looks like you’re using a lot of neat features from clocks and calendars to Hero Attribute tiles and Color Tiles. Really nice work and I like the clean / light feel!

Take a look at the following post:


Thank you screenshots are helpful


Here’s what I’m using for my in-wall tablets. Still a work in progress since my house is still being built, hoping to move in by end of month. Some things like sound bars and such aren’t installed yet. Galaxy Tabs in multiple locations. I’ve removed some details to keep my calendar private. In case anyone is curious, I’m using Hubitat, Ubiquiti Unifi, Sonos, Ecobee, Mix of Kasa and Lutron Caseta switches, Verilock Andersen Windows/Doors, Yale Andersen Keypad locks, and generic z-wave sensors/sirens/buttons.

Screen saver using Dakboard:

Main Dashboard (wanted a single button to turn on/off all lights in the house, there’s about 120 of them):

-Then once you click Lights, Thermostats, Security, Speakers, Doors/Sensors… that’ll take you to each dashboard. The Wi-Fi button opens up my Ubiquiti Unifi status page.

Thermostats (ecobee’s):

Speakers (Sonos Amp’s):

Doors/Sensors (Mostly Andersen Door/Window Sensors but some z-wave):

Security (HSM):

More to come… still installing! :grin:


Really nice work, @Andy_Sparling. I love it - thanks for sharing!

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@Andy_Sparling the dashboards look really awesome!

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Where did you get that weather display

@Marc_Lombardi, are you talking about the weather display at top right corner from his 2nd screenshot? I believe that’s from widget generator. See the post below.

:link: Weather Image Sources - #3 by josh

:tada: Update: If you are looking for a nice looking weather tile with various layout options, check out the Open Weather Custom Tile:

Weather Tile - Open Weather - Current and Forecast

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Andy - love your layout. Can I ask how you created your up and down volume controls? I also have Sonos with Hubitat.

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My guess would be through rules. You can create a rule in the SharpTools Rule Engine with any command you want and then add that rule to your dashboard. This is a great way to expose custom commands:

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