Here is version 1 of my screens. Running a fire tablet 8 latest version.
Using Josh’s post on settings for a stock fire tablet side loading fully kiosk for fire tablets
Fire Tablet with Fully Kiosk Browser occasionally set to lowest dim level - #16 by josh -
I design the screens on a desktop along with Chrome browser is mobile mode. Press F12 and then for a fire tablet 8 use 961x602 for the screen size. Josh also has a post able doing this.
Designing dashboards via web - #2 by josh -
Used remote admin for FullyKiosk and took screen grabs.
Note about screens
Cameras are reolink using the reolink NVR. Setup for a media source image. Change ip address to the NVR IP, change the channel to the correct number for the camera and then username/password for the NVR. URL: http://(IP address)/cgi-bin/api.cgi?cmd=Snap&channel=0&rs=kd7f8djlleaijd8sjs9e&user=(User Name)&password=(Password)
When the door bell is rungs it brings up a dashboard screen with the front door camera. Using sharptools rules to sent the URL to fully kiosk. (fully kiosk smarthings device handler [OBSOLETE] Fully Kiosk Browser Controller (DTH) - Community Created SmartApps - SmartThings Community). When you push on the image is refreshes the camera image. (Door bell sensor is a sage device, no longer made SAGE Zigbee Doorbell Sensor Impressions & SmartThings Device Handler - ties into your existing door bell. Alternative Devce: Nexia DB100Z
Outside Temp is using a door sensor on the mailbox for the temperature. Due to the mailbox being dark and metal this will be modified to another device once they are installed (outdoor motion sensors).
Calendar is a sharptools resource Calendar and News Feed Tiles
Weather is coming from Smarthings as a thing. Weather Tile - How to Setup?
Security, Mode & Smart Home Monitoring are all pin protected options.
How does PIN security work? - #2 by josh!
Screen Shots