Spotify Custom Tile

I made some modifications to the provided code in order to have the album art cover the entire tile:

  • Album art covers entire tile ( applied darkened filter and slight blur to improve lists readability) when playing song / device is selected.

  • When not playing / device is not selected elements stay transparent, song & artist section becomes hidden.

  • Moved the song & tittle to the left

  • Centered control buttons

  • Applied transparency to elements background ( artist/song, player controls / lists )

  • Works great in smaller tiles (3*3) or mega tile.

If someone is interested in the code PM me.

When nothing is played or no device is selected the tile stays transparent ( as there is no album cover to display ) this way it blends with your dashboard background, also the section where artist and song is becomes hidden.

Example in use with mega tile (really depends on how many tile number your dashboard is setup) I just left the first column to go back to main dashboard and the rest is used by the spotify tile.