Multiple Hubitat Hubs

You can now authorize multiple Hubitat hubs to a single SharpTools account!

:white_check_mark: This closes out the Authorize Multiple Hubitat Hubs feature request!

When you proceed through the authorization process a second time (starting from your user page), additional hubs that are authorized will be added to your SharpTools account and existing connections will remain.


If you want to disconnect an existing connection, you can tap the ... next to your hub name on your SharpTools User Page, scroll down to the bottom and tap Disconnect.

:warning: This will disconnect the ‘app’ installed on the hub, so if you have a single hub connected to multiple SharpTools accounts, those accounts will stop receiving event updates. You can proceed through the authorization process on those accounts to reconnect things.

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WOW! I have to admit Hub Mesh works pretty good in HE, but I’ll give this a try

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I logged in and it shows all my hubs but nothing to really indicate I can add a 2nd one. I would hate to try this and only find out that it disconnected all my other connections. Are we sure it’s working? Why not echo and existing connection and allow “add”, that would be the most intuitive.

Hi Phil-
I responded to your email as well. Copying the response here:

Which part of the UI are you referring to? The main authorization screen where you select your hub and devices to authorize is presented by Hubitat, so we don’t control that part.

And yes, you can proceed through the authorization starting from your User Page and select a different hub and it will authorize the second one without disconnecting the old one. It’s been in beta for the past few weeks and we made it available in production the other day.

Hi @josh,

I’ve connected 2 hubs to SharpTools (Hubitat). I noticed that SharpTools displays a list of all devices, but it’s hard to differentiate which device goes with which hub. Is there something I’m missing to easily see which devices go with which hub?

Example below:

In this case, there are two hubs - each hub has a dining room switch. Please advise, thank you.

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I have this issue as well. Would be solved by this feature request:
Include Hub Name + Device Name in the add to list and display option - Feature Requests - SharpTools Community


I also would like to see some way to differentiate which hub is on in a multi hub set up. Not critical, but would be nice to have.

Thanks for confirming this is a feature request that needs to be voted on. I have voted… :grinning:

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