Moving my automations from webcore

Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback!

  • Triggers are OR; Requires adding IF in Flow to support AND: I wonder if a concept of ‘Preconditions’ similar to what SmartThings has in automations could help here. In most cases, this is probably just “syntax sugar” for not having to create a top-level IF condition, but depending on if it’s applied to an individual trigger vs ALL triggers, I could see it being helpful. I’m open to a feature request on this if you want to create one. :slight_smile:
  • Time Functions: These are available in beta with the new expression feature. Happy to get you added to beta if you want to PM @support
  • Random Time: I saw your reply in the Random Number / Random Time feature request, but linking it here in case others want to vote on it.
  • Centralized Notify on Rule Error: feel free to create a feature request for this. It’s a neat idea and I could see different ways of implementing it. Either an interface specifically dedicated to rule failures and related notifications… or perhaps even better would be a separate ‘Rule Error’ trigger that could then use to customize what action you wanted to take - sending emails, pushes, HTTP actions, etc.
  • Deeply Nested IF conditions: I’m seeing more people from WebCoRE running into this and have noted the feedback. As a workaround, you can shrink your browser window to approximately mobile width and the IF conditions will stack on top of each other.

Thanks for your support in getting premium and the kind words for the plus sides!

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