This Super Tile displays what is or has been going on with my Meater cooking thermometer. I plan to integrate the Meater with SmartThings eventually but for now this tile is displaying SharpTools variables that I set using a SharpTools Rule that runs HTTP actions against the Meater API.
The values above are just from a test run (thus no Remaining time as it had not been calculated yet). The API is somewhat limited so I have a condition that looks for the status code from the GET. If status indicates success that means a cook is active and data is available to GET otherwise the Rule exits and the last values retrieved are preserved initializes the variables.
I know my Super Tiles don’t have fancy graphics but they match the fairly simple theme I use across my dashboards.
I figured out how to reset the tile when the Meater device is offline.
Edit: Given the one minute update frequency I have set I realize now the seconds on the duration values aren’t useful so I’m making those just hours and minutes. And really, who needs seconds on cook times anyway .