Show off your Super Tiles!

This Super Tile displays what is or has been going on with my Meater cooking thermometer. I plan to integrate the Meater with SmartThings eventually but for now this tile is displaying SharpTools variables that I set using a SharpTools Rule that runs HTTP actions against the Meater API.

Screen Shot 2023-06-22 at 1.03.14 PM

The values above are just from a test run (thus no Remaining time as it had not been calculated yet). The API is somewhat limited so I have a condition that looks for the status code from the GET. If status indicates success that means a cook is active and data is available to GET otherwise the Rule exits and the last values retrieved are preserved initializes the variables.

I know my Super Tiles don’t have fancy graphics but they match the fairly simple theme I use across my dashboards.


I figured out how to reset the tile when the Meater device is offline.

Screen Shot 2023-06-22 at 3.31.36 PM

Screen Shot 2023-06-22 at 3.34.37 PM

Edit: Given the one minute update frequency I have set I realize now the seconds on the duration values aren’t useful so I’m making those just hours and minutes. And really, who needs seconds on cook times anyway :man_facepalming:.


Nice work! I have a Tempest and would love something like this–any tips or points to get all this info?

Here’s my Ecowitt weather station panel. It displays outside temps with “feels like” in smaller s font, lux, 2 moisture sensors, and pond temperature all rolled into one area. The two odd numbers are for sun possition with < azimuth and ^ sun’s altitude.


What device do you use to pick up pond temperature?

I use a Qubino Z-Wave Plus Flush 1D Relay ZMNHND3 and attach a DS18B20 Temperature Probe (any one will do). Been using it for several years. I also use a waterproof float switch ( with that sensor to let me know if the water level gets too low so I can automattically shut off the pumps just in case there’s an issue with a burst pipe.

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