Show off your Super Tiles!

Here is a current weather banner. I have a massive 3 x 6 weather tile I’m working on. Both have wallpaper that changes based on the current weather conditions.


Hi my friend, its really cool ! do you change the wallpaper based on the weather ?
Thanks !

@Carlos_Juarez it’s a icon variable and it’s the first image on a supertile so it acts as a background. Then depending on the variable value it displays the corresponding image. Also depending on the image you use you will need to use a custom css to expand the image to fit.

I also have a rule that sets a variable if it’s night or day. Example.

If current time > current sunrise and < current sunset the IsItNight = false.

If current time is > current sunset and < tomorrow sunrise then IsItNight = true.

This variable is then used to prepend the conditions variable to add Night to the condition to use the appropriate icons / BG image.

Custom Css to make the image to fit.(note you need to change the name of the theme to fit yours and the BG image must be the first thing added to the Supertile for the css to work.)

/*Banner Weather */
.--theme-style-current-weather-banner.super-tile  .item:nth-child(1) img {object-fit: cover;!important;


Very creative my friend !!.. Thanks for the idea, I will play with it this weekend…Thanks again !

Here is a look at a rough version of my 3 x 6 weather Supertile.


I am quite happy with this one so far :slight_smile:

The icons and colors change depending on the device status.


Simple and clear. Me likey!!

@just_jake Thanks for the ideas re: the weather super tile! I created this today, which is basically a remake of the stock SharpTools weather tile (2x2) but with a variable background rather than fixed. I found square images that allowed me to avoid any CSS. Using separate variables for the weather conditions and the time of day was a neat and simple solution to allow selection of the right image. Thanks again!


What weather icon set is that?

I got them here:

It’s a small set that doesn’t cover every possibility, but I really liked the more realistic look. I am thinking of converting to these animated PNGs though: Animated Weather Icon Set : RE-03 | Mike Afford Media

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I am a noob, but here is my first super tile made for my son’s room.



I created a super tile to control my AC. I live in an old building and the AC is a simple unit, installed by the landlord. However, I used a smart plug and a zigbee thermometer to control when the AC turns on and off. Almost like a proper thermostat and much better than the built in AC feature.
It allows me to turn on/off the AC, enable or disable temperature controls, set the desired temperature and a temperature range.


These are really nice. Feel like starting a new thread with a bit of a step by step for doing this? I would love to work on this but right now I am deep in code to integrate my solar system into Home Assistant so I can get this tile working as a Super tile.

But would love to knock out a quick weather tile like the one you have so the pointers would be great. Thanks.

Dear Haakon_Bowitz, how did you manage to link Tibber and put it on Super Tile? This is so cool. In Netherlands I’m using similar dynamic prices provider Zonneplan but apart from hyperlink tile opening app in a separate window I didn’t succeed much

How set the temperature o Tolerance (+/-) in super tile?

This Super Tile handles the energy reporting for my home.

Screen Shot 2023-06-18 at 11.40.02 AM

Power and energy come from a home energy monitor via SmartThings. Then in a SharpTools Rule I calculate all the other fields each time energy updates (every five minutes).

The lower left numbers are the projected cost and usage for the billing period. The lower right numbers are the current cost and usage to date in the billing period. The dates in the center are the current billing period and number of days left (including the current day). Finally, the number at bottom center is the cost per kWh calculated based on the projected usage.

The tile color changes based on current power use moving from green when low up through dark red when high.

A routine in SmartThings resets the energy meter device at the end of each billing period but I could move that step to the SharpTools rule doing these calcs.

Thanks to @josh who has helped me through some tricky date calculations using Expressions.


This is my (rather busy) weather Super Tile. It started life being based on the stock SharpTools weather tile and has morphed in to a bit of a Frankenstein.

Screen Shot 2023-06-19 at 4.00.07 PM

My source is a WeatherFlow Tempest personal weather station which is integrated with SmartThings via a community weather Edge driver. The Super Tile grabs the temperature, pressure, summary condition statement, UV index and lux from the SmartThings Thing which updates every five minutes. Most of the remaining values displayed are pulled directly from the WeatherFlow API using a set of SharpTools Rules triggered mainly when the SmartThings device temp changes. In those Rules I do a lot of format manipulation and add the emojis. I have another Rule that gets and formats the sunrise and sunset values. The top left number is the voltage of the Tempest device. The icon next to the UV index is a reminder when sunscreen might be needed :slight_smile:.

The tile changes color based on temperature.

Tapping on the tile will trigger an immediate refresh of all the data.


Very cool! Well, the tile is cool… this record dew point / heat index is killer!

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Thanks Josh.

No kidding. I tell people you never get used to the Texas heat. It’s brutal.


I have separate variables for the main temperature and upper and lower limits.