Thanks Cory… For some reason I cannot access the camera login page (http://10.0.x.x/login) as it gives me the infamous Your Internet access is blocked page error (I am assuming the UDM firewall is blocking it somehow). Maybe it’s because it is on a different VLAN?
Any thoughts? Again, thanks for the excellent info.
Nice design and layout. I like the round menu icons down the left side. Are they standard square tiles with the tile background matched to the same colour as the dashboard background? It never occurred to me to try that.
The tiles on the left side are dashboard tiles. They have been turned from square to round by applying a little custom CSS {border-radius: 50%;} to make them look more like buttons.
I try to make the colors meaningful. Normally all tiles have a black background - except the active one will be white. In this photo, the white button at top shows we’re on the Home dashboard.
Why black and white buttons? When I was a child, light switches looked like this:
White was ON and black was OFF.
If a tile is light red (“Motion” and “Batteries” in the photo), that means more information will be found when you press that button. The Motion button opens a dashboard displaying all of the motion detectors so you can tell which one(s) is active. The Batteries button opens a dashboard with all battery levels color-coded. An almost-depleted battery will be the cause of the light red button on the Home dashboard, and will be bright red on the Batteries dashboard.
A bright red tile (the “Alerts” button in this photo) indicates “important”. The Alerts dashboard will indicate the guilty suspect. A water leak or an unlocked door will be the cause, and will show bright red on the Alerts dashboard.
Wordy - it looks like I was trying to write a book!
Ahhh - cool. I never thought of custom css. I thought the tile and background had been done in like for like colours and the icon had been made with a. circle around it. It makes sense now. You must have spent some time thinking about all of that with regard to colour schemes etc
@Robin_Cross I’m not sure whether you’ve tried this but using the Fully app (if you’re using Fire or Android). Settings > Manage Launcher > Add Application. I get the following for the app intent to use as a hyperlink for Prime Video. If you’re using iOS however it would be different:
Thank you very much for your reply. I actually found out that I had missed out a small portion of the code. Everything is working perfectly now including Virgin TV Go.
Looks great! The special weather tiles caught my eye!
That and it looks like there’s a bug with the clock! I played around and was able to reproduce it by explicitly setting my time to 12H format rather than system time, so we’ll work on a fix.
I love the color scheme! Our resident guitar guru, @James is probably going to be curious about the details on your Fender tile in the bottom right though!
Here it is so far. I intend on creating a couple more (Weather/Music Playlists) dashboards that link to my primary dashboard. I managed to get photo of myself and my wife on our Presence Tile which was cool. I might add a custom tile to make the images bigger. I hyperlinked my family calendar to the Month tile which updates the daily tile next to it. Alexa will update the calendars as well but it is handy to pull it up quickly if needed. SharpTools is awesome!!