Show Off Your SharpTools Dashboards!

I use Amazon Fire 10 tablets.

We have six dashboards around the house. Three of them are the “Home” dashboard shown above. This one is wall-mounted in our family room:


The mounts made by Mike come with various charging options. I’ve had my electrician wire them, but the 120/240v AC converter is what I use.

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When I want to group I just create a new dashboard and link to it.


Looks good. What do you use for the 7 day forecast?

I do something similar but I use a rule to group the status of multiple devices into a sharptools variable and then link that variable tile to my other dashboard showing the individual devices.

That lets me see the group status at a glance and I can still drill down into the detail if I want.

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Kindle fire 10 (11 gen) running dashboard thru fully kiosk.
Permanently mounted and powered.
Kindle is also running Tinycam Pro web server to re-encode rstp DVR streams for mpeg URLS to be used on dashboard.
Ring camera popup when doorbell is pressed.

Mostly used for a quick reference on most popular devices.
All other devices controlled via smarthings/alexa


Hows your performance running FK + tinyCam?

Honestly I have no complaints on performance. I run real time streams for 2 of the camera channels, I don’t think it would have an issue running more.

The streams are run with a loopback address, so it doesn’t re-stream through the wireless network.

The camera boxes are interactive, and can be tapped to bring up to full screen size.

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@Michael - first off I think your theme is excellent and inspiring.
On that note, I have tried to add a floor plan image to my dashboard, however regardless of the size or file type that I make it, I still lose both left and right sides of the images. This happens on my galaxy tab (Kiosk mode). however when I edit in full screen on my pc, the sides are not cut off, but the top is. Any thoughts as to what I am doing wrong? (I have tried multiple pixel lengths and widths).

@Marz, that’s because the screen resolution ratios on the tablet and PC are different. You can follow the steps in the post below to use the browser’s Developer Tool on the PC to adjust the browser’s resolution to make it the same as the tablet. So the image should look the same as on the tablet.

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@Marz A couple notes on this… In addition to James commits

Background images in SharpTool will center and size (scale) the image to cover the dashboard (device ratios) - This also matters when in Full Screen (Kiosk) vs Edit Mode.

If you are using the images included in my original post (Floor Plan Dashboard), that was designed for an iPad. You will get a different result (i.e. image getting cut-off) on a Galaxy Tab/Other.

See if these images are better suited for your project - Hopefully they get you in the ballpark.

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@Michael - Interestingly, the image tops and bottom match your walls in fullscreen on PC and as well when I use the browser developer tools to view it in the resolution that I have on the galaxy (custom). Also, on my Galaxy Tab A it fits correctly (again top and bottom walls fit the screen properly. I checked your “png” size and mapped mine to something similar, but still no go. I will figure out what is up with my images. I appreciate your help with this as I have read many posts, but I haven’t been able to solve this yet.

@Michael - I figured it out. I added space both at the top and bottom of the actual image (so I have more "blank " space at the bottom and top) - now I can see the entire image correctly.

@Michael and @James thanks for all your suggestions, they got me on the right track!


Hi, how do I get these brown color boxes which I assume are not any hyperlinks / things but just labels?

I created a theme, and one of the styles for the theme I called a label style, which I used to define the look of the label.

When I add lebels, I set the customs style to the one in my theme. I use custom styles on all labels and many other devices based on the type of label or devices. This way I have predefined styles for panel labels, scene labels, security related labels, etc…

By using styles you can change the look globally by editing the theme.

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Hello everyone!

I just started using ST, currently building my first dashboard. The idea is not original, it’s pretty much a copy of something shared by u/Upstairs_Wolf2112 in Reddit for HA.

Anyway, I thought it would be a nice inspiration to get started doing tests while I’m waiting to get an Android tablet to run it.

Only 25 lines of custom CSS so far too :slight_smile:


@Dinis_Carvalho, welcome to the community, and that’s pretty slick looking dashboard. I am sure the community members will ask for the customizations in a dedicated post as well, since this is really a nice work. :joy:


Thank you, I will definitely do that once I have a bit more content, I’m planning to try and build some custom tiles and additional dashboard “pages”.


I’m a newbie at Dashboards but here is my masterpiece. I still need to implement the Wyze cameras to it. So far, not to shabby! Thank you for looking :blush: The tile named “Cookie” is my Samsung smart stove lol

BTW, this is running on an Amazon Fire HD10 tablet.