Show Off Your SharpTools Dashboards!

@Michael How/Where did you pull your weather by day tiles in the bottom image? I like the look. Also my guess on how you’re using the Sonos tiles is each of the categories is a dashboard launcher for the various albums below? Country launches the Miranda, Blake etc Dashboard? Just getting into music dashboards finally.

Weather Dashboard: Uses the smart things weather dth which I modified (added some additional attributes). I then added it (several times) to the dashboard, changed the layout to ‘Hero’ and then edited the primary attribute accordingly (ie tomorrow’s forecast, high, low, etc).

Sonos: Each player (room) has a genre dashboard. Clicking on the larger tile (ie Country, Hip-Hop, Pop, etc) will play that genres preset station. Clicking on the 3 smaller tiles (genre) will take you to an artist dashboard by genre for that room/player. Clicking on an album cover will specifically play that artist.


Here are some of my dashboards. It’s still a huge work in progress. I’m struggling to find time to tweak here and there but it’s slowing coming along. All screenshots are from the website, the size will be a bit different on the tablets, phones.
Most of the tablets I use are Fire 8s or fire 10s.

Here is my office dashboard. I work from home (have been for 10 years) so this lets me keep track of everything going on that I find important during the day.

This is my battery monitor. Just an easy visual to help me keep all batteries updated

Temperature dashboard

Roomba Vacuum dashboard. These are virtual switches using IFTTT triggered through webcore. We have another roomba that I also plan to add in, but the first was a test to make sure it works. It works great :slight_smile: My husband has even used this to clean rooms randomly instead of just asking me to start the robot.

This last one is a dashboard for our living room. I have 2 old Samsung S7 and S8’s that I do not use anymore. I now have these connected in different areas of the living room so that we can trigger simple tasks by easily pushing a button rather then having to remember the names and commands to use through alexa. The living room shades are SOMA shades (I haven’t updated the icon yet).


@Michael Thanks for the info on the Sonos. I figured that’s what you were doing.

On the weather I had been working on something similar with the regular SmartWeather Station Tile but for like your Wednesday tile couldn’t get it to show the whole right side? I don’t even have a DTH for that as it’s one of the Samsung ones to edit and add to it. Is that Wednesday one whole tile or do you have it pieced with Today Forecast, Weather Tile, High Temp, Low Temp. Also how do you populate it with day of the week? Thanks for the input! I’ve only done a bit of customizing devices/smart apps and seem to run into issues.

How did you hook up your Spotify? Is there a guide somewhere on how to do that. I see you have playlists ready to go as a tile. Super cool!

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I followed James instructions located here - Create "Jukebox" Dashboard with Album Art for Echo or Sonos Devices

Getting the playlist art was a little more tricky. Most of them I took a screenshot from Spotify. A couple of them, I was able to get the Spotify url.

We use it quite a bit! There is a minor bug with how Smartthings handles the Sonos queue. I did log a bug with ST.

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Hi my friend, You can create an hiperlink (Manage Resources screen) and set the call to the correspondent app, in this case “spotify:”, then you can add a tile in your dashboard related to the hiperlink.

How are you getting the music icons for what Spotify is playing? Are you using castweb or something else?

NVM … just realized you already answered this below. Thank you!

Can i ask what app was this made on was it sharpytools and was it easy to create, thanks

Jason, I’ve included a link to download the code to create this device handler.

Then login to the smartthings IDE, select create My Device Handlers, click Create New Device Handler, click the From Code tab and paste in the code. Click Create, Save, Publish (For Me).

Then goto/click My Devices, New Device and fill in the fields - select the WeatherForecast from the Type drop down and click Create.

Note: Device Network Id can be anything… just make it unique.

Last step would be to add it to SharpTools.

Note: The daily forecast will include the day of week, humidity, and precipitation % - For all other details (i.e. tomorrow’s high) you will need to add it to your dashboard X number of times.


@Michael That’s awesome! Thanks so much! The functionality of that is exactly like I was hoping for! Really appreciate your help! Have an awesome day and thanks for sharing your coding!

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Michael, Is there a part where you already explained how you did the floorplan view? that’s awesome!


I am thinking of doing your setup. QQ… Why do you not just switch the 110v going into your transformer? why bother with having to switch the 12v out. wouldnt it do the same thing?

Floor Plan Dashboard uses a background image. You can find more information here


How did you get DAKboard as a screen saver

@Arabigaming If you are using Fully Kiosk as your browser you can set it as a URL to launch your Dakboard URL. Or you can use other apps to do screensavers as well by setting the App to launch as screensaver. I’m doing that with Fotoo.


A post was split to a new topic: Reolink NVR setup for video streaming to the dashboard

Hi Raymond, Yes this was made with sharptools and it was incredibly easy to make. The idea was inspired partially by amazon’s echo show new interface.

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I would like share with the community my new Weather dashboard, I think its really cool, it could be access from my personal iOS mobile main dashboard, thanks to @Michael for your patience and guide !