Rotate Between Two Gauges in one Spot

I built such a tile and also one for UV-Index. My question, would it be possible to make an automation, so that the tiles change on my dashboard automatically. So I only need one tile, but every 30 seconds for example I see the other tile on the same place on my dashboard?

Screenshot 2024-06-09 131255

Screenshot 2024-06-09 131942

Based on your screenshots, that looks like the Gauge.js Custom Tile:

:link: Gauge Tiles (arc and radial)

In theory, if you’ve got the requisite skills for modifying the Custom Tile (HTML + JavaScript), you could tweak it to have settings for two gauges and swap between them periodically, but it’s not something that’s natively supported by that tile.

I was looking at this… is there a way to display when you add the variables on the dashboard to see what it is passing back to the code? That way you could hard code those variables, and then use some code to flip between the two (chat gpt will actually code this for you)

This particular example uses the Gauge Custom Tile that I linked above. Of course when you import the tile, you have full access to the source code and could tweak it as you see fit.

The documentation for Custom Tile developers can be found here:

The Settings section describes how settings are passed to the Custom Tile and the Variables section links to the documentation on what a Variable resource looks like in custom tile code.