Request: Change Tile Color Based on Reported Temperature

In this particular setup, do you mean that you would want a single tile showing the Air Quality and you would want to have 6 different color ranges / thresholds on that one tile (based on the screenshot displayed?)

Yes, that is correct. I envision a single tile that can be configured to show different colors based on thresholds (in this case AQI level)ā€¦

Edit: in the case of air quality there are 6 specific color categories. When I think of things like temperature or humidity, I would envision tiles that would feature perhaps even more colors (maybe a different color for every 10 degrees for temp or 10% for humidity)ā€¦

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I was looking for an air quality device. How do you like Purpleair?

I highly recommend PurpleAir. Iā€™ve only had mine for about a month or so but its been very useful to me. I live in an area where air pollution is a regular problem, so I like seeing how conditions fluctuate locally. And I can see my station readings compared to other nearby stations on the PurpleAir web map.

It only measures particulate matter pollution (not ground level ozone) but for less than $250 you can have your own local air quality station, and it seems to be very accurate.


The ability to change the color of the tile based on the reported temperature value is now available. You can find more details in the release thread here:

Icons and Colors based on States + Window Shades


Weā€™ve noted the requests around setting tile color based on other attributes (eg. Humidity, Lux, CO2, Power, etc) and are working on extending the new ā€˜State Mappingā€™ feature thatā€™s used in the Temperature tile to work in the Hero Attribute tile. :smiley:


FWIW, Iā€™d love to be able to change Icon, not just color. For example, a Mode tile could have a number of different icons if you have non-standard modes.

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Adding my support for a request for the ability to set tile color by some measured value - humidity in my case, but I could imagine many more as others have noted.

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Love this addition and looking forward to being able to use it on a Hero Attribute tile. One use case Iā€™d like to see is the ability to change color and icon based on an attribute being returned as status of my Ring Alarm system, ex status=off, status=home, status=away.

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The ability to Change Tile Color Based on Reported Temperature has been released:

:link: Icons and Colors based on States + Window Shades

If youā€™re interested in the broader request to be create color mappings based on any attribute, be sure to cast your vote in the following feature request:

:link: Style/Icon State Mapping for Custom Attributes