Next Generation SmartThings Integration

The migration tools are now available in production. When you refresh your SharpTools User Page, you should see a migration banner if you still have a legacy SmartThings connection (indicated by a circle icon to the left of the location name):

This will walk you through the process of authorizing the next-generation connection, then will bring you back to the migration screen to migrate any dashboards, rules, or Super Tiles you might have with legacy-connection content in them.

Step-by-Step Instructions (tap to expand)
  1. Open your User Page
  2. Tap the red migration banner above the list of locations
  3. Tap the Begin Authorization button
  4. If you are prompted to login to SmartThings, do so
  5. When prompted to allow SharpTools access to your things:
    1. Select your location from the drop-down
    2. Leave all the boxes checked
    3. Scroll down and tap the blue Authorize button
  6. You’ll be redirected back to SharpTools where you’ll see a device synchronization progress bar
  7. When the device synchronization completes, you’ll be presented with a button to Continue Migration which you can tap to continue

    :warning: Important: If you had multiple legacy locations authorized, make sure to heed the warning to return to your User Page and manually authorize your additional locations using the Samsung SmartThings option under the Manage Connections button

    When you proceed through the authorization again, when you are prompted to “Allow ‘SharpTools’ access to these things”, make sure to select your other location and tap Authorize. Repeat as needed for multiple locations

  8. After tapping Continue Migration from the previous step, you’ll be redirected to the the Migration Manager where it will check to make sure you’re ready to go
    1. If everything is good, you’ll see a message indicating that you are ready to migrate. Tap the green Migrate button to continue
    2. If the analysis identifies any issues, you’ll see an extra link to the right of the ‘Toggle Details’ hyperlink which enables you to view the errors.
      • The recommended approach is to review these errors and correct things as necessary - for example, you might have a Placeholder tile on a dashboard that needs to be removed. Or perhaps a rule that is referencing a device that doesn’t exist anymore.
      • Alternatively, you can scroll to the bottom and check the box to skip the errors. Generally it’s preferred to resolve the errors first and this option is provided as a last resort.
  9. The migration generally takes less than a minute at which point you’ll see a ‘Migration Complete’ message and the final step is to tap the Disconnect and Finish button which will disconnect your legacy locations
  10. Upon disconnecting your location, you’re done! You can navigate to your User Page or back to your dashboards to verify that everything is working as expected.

If you have any dashboards with devices that don’t appear to update status as expected, try refreshing your browser (F5 / pull-to-refresh) as that will kick off an automatic health-check in the background that can resolve common. Wait about 60 seconds after refreshing the page and then try controlling your device again to verify if the status is updating as expected.

And as always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to

If your SmartThings location shows a five-spoke icon next to it, the location is already connected using the next generation connection.