Missing illuminance Attribute for Aeon Multisensors


Good afternoon Josh. I noticed that illuminance is missing from the Hero attributes of my Aeon Multisensor and Aeon Gen 5 Multisensor.

I’m using the stock handler for both (listed below):
Aeon Multisensor = Aeon Multisensor
Aeon Multisensor Gen5 = Aeon Multisensor Gen5

Is illuminance not exposed to Sharptools?

The Hero Attribute tiles currently only show attributes that we have event subscriptions setup for. We are working on bringing Hubitat up to speed with dynamic subscriptions which will enable us to open up support for using any attribute in Hero Attribute tiles. I don’t have a specific timeline available at this point, but we’re working toward making it available!

This is on the Smartthings platform though.

Thanks for the follow up. I knew I wasn’t wording that well! :thinking:

It’s a lowest common denominator thing at the moment. Once we get both platform integrations to feature parity, we can implement the feature to make any attribute available in Hero Attribute tiles.

We are making some changes to our Hubitat interface which will bring it to feature parity with our SmartThings integration. Once that’s done we will be able to make SmartThings and Hubitat integrations have dynamic subscriptions and open up more attributes for the Hero Attribute.

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That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.

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Hey @Steve_Jackson
I was just searching for another post related to custom attributes and realized I forgot to update this thread that the latest SharpTools.io platform release includes support for custom attributes, so your illuminance attribute should be available in the Hero Attribute tiles now!

More details in the following thread:

Fade Level and Custom Attributes

Thanks for the shout. I saw that you had released the update. I have been busy and haven’t had time to update my dashboard. Hoping to set aside a block of time this weekend to play with Sharptools and the current release of the “new” Smartthings app.


Hero Attributes are working great. I was able to add the additional tiles that I wanted. Thank You!