seems i either found a bug or found that this feature was removed for some reason. when i try to set up a trigger on the home mode i only get he choices of:
updates and is
updates and is not
i am looking to use “changes”. as recent as october '23 i see examples given by sharptools staff showing changes is available as a trigger on mode. what am i missing? thanks!
The Any Update / Any Change triggers are available for Things and Variables, but not for Location Modes.
For Location modes, you can effectively trigger when any mode update is received by using two triggers with the second one being the opposite of the first:
Ah, I see what you’re referring to. The language displayed in the trigger was improved to use more accurate terminology since those community examples were posted.
Previously, all of the equality type of triggers used the language as ‘changes to’ which was modified to ‘updates and is’ to make it more accurate.
That made room to introduce a proper distinction between values updating and values actually changing with the On Transition Only option which is available for Things and Variables.
That sounds like a good approach and it’s similar to what the On Transition Only operator does internally… just that the On Transition Only option also covers cases for numeric transitions and comparisons like greater than (>) or less than (<) that are a bit more complex but really useful for Things and Variables.