@Charles_Lacey just to clarify, the first pass of the integration is between Hubitat and the SharpTools.io platform (web) which includes the web dashboard and Rule Engine. The next step is to rework the mobile app to integrate with the SharpTools.io platform so it can leverage the new integrations as we develop them.
So when the connector is released on Hubitat, it will support SharpTools.io web dashboards and Rule Engine, but the SharpTools mobile app will not have Hubitat support until we are able to rework it.
That being said, since the SharpTools.io platform has cross-platform support between all of the supported connections, you can use the Rule Engine to ‘sync’ Hubitat with events on SmartThings.
For example, you could use your existing integration with the the SharpTools mobile app to set a SmartThings mode based on presence… then using the Rule Engine you could create a rule that says:
IF SmartThings mode = 'Away'
THEN SET Hubitat mode = 'Away'
Same goes for other things like Smart Home Monitor (SHM) and Hubitat Safety Monitor (HSM):
IF SmartThings SHM = 'Armed Home'
THEN SET Hubitat HSM = 'Arm Home'
And for reacting to events from Hubitat on your Phone, in place of the ‘Thing State’ SharpTools Tasker plugin, you could use a rule along with Pushbullet (which also has Tasker support).
IF 'Living Room Motion' = 'active'
THEN Send Notification:Pushbullet '#LivingRoomMotion=active'