Honeywell Thermostat not Displaying Temperatures in Auto Mode

I’ve noticed an issue in my SharpTools dashboard regarding the tiles for my Honeywell thermostats. When the thermostat is in AUTO mode, there are no setpoints displayed. If I put them in either HEAT or COOL mode, the tile displays the setpoint temperature correctly. Changing modes and temperatures seems to always work and any changes made in SharpTools, propagate to Smartthings and the Honeywell app. I have tried removing and re-adding the thermostats in Smartthings, re-syncing SharpTools with Smartthings, deleting and re-creating my dashboard in SharpTools and nothing makes a difference. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Brice-
Your thermostat likely doesn’t report a general thermostatSetpoint value when it’s operating in Auto mode.

You can change to the Double Height Thermostat Layout which displays the individual heating and cooling setpoints separately. The Double Height Thermostat Layout works well with thermostats like this which don’t report a general thermostat setpoint value and instead only reports the individual heating and cooling setpoints.

Here’s a few relevant discussions with more details:

Worked! Thank you very much!
