Help: Hitting Size Limit for Image for Background

Hi guys! I`m impressed with all the amazing dashboards you make, impressive. I am in the prosess of making my own, but I struggle with uploading images to use as my backgrond. If a picture/image is more than 1mb, I get a message that it too large. Can someone please help me with this problem? Thanks!

Why do you need an image that’s bigger than 1MB for use as a tile icon? Seems like the image should be resized smaller or with better compression before being uploaded.

Hello Josh. Thank you for reaching out. I want to use the image as a background on my dashboards. How do I resize an image? I don’t much knowledge about this things…

Can you share some screenshots of the error message you are receiving? Just trying to make sure I’m interpreting your issue correctly as there isn’t currently an option for uploading files for use as dashboard backgrounds.

The file upload feature built in to SharpTools is only for icons for dashboard tiles at the time of this reply. The Theme editor supports three options for setting a background:

  • Editor Picks
  • Bing (Image of the Day)
  • Media URL
    • You would need to have the photo hosted online somewhere (eg. Imgur)

Help Articles

File Upload (Icons)

Theme Background Selector

Hi Josh. Thank you for clearing up something I have misunderstood. But I, once, got a error msg about the 1mb img limit. But since it was a misunderstanding from my side, its all good. Thanks again for your axplanation.

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