Feature Request: Rule Engine Hide/Show Tile

As @Justin_Leonard alluded to, there may be other ways to accomplish this. With the introduction of Themes and Styles you could make a tile transparent for a certain state.

And with the update to the Hero Attribute tile and Variable tiles a few months back you can even do this with custom values (eg. from the rule engine).

I’m not sure what Justin’s original use case around different weather features on a dashboard was, but the Custom Tiles feature has been used to make some really neat custom weather tiles. :star_struck:

There’s not a specific threshold for a total number of votes, but we do generally work on the top voted items or strategic items. With only 4 votes on this, there’s other more highly requested features from the community that we’ve been knocking out.

We are constantly working on improving things and frequently release new features based on popular community request which you can find sorted by release date here:
