Door did change State

Hi, my Door Icon only changes the color, state still in the same way when I open or close.

What I did wrong?


Is this on a Contact Sensor device?

Yes, on Hubitat


Thanks for the screenshot, very helpful! Currently, the Contact Sensor tile supports active/default coloring and lets you specify a static icon choice.

We are working on an update the brings support for customizing the icon for each device state and expect it to be available in an upcoming beta. You’re already part of the beta group, but I’ll be sure to tag you when the feature is released to beta so you can try it out. :smiley:


The new icon and color customizer is available in beta now. Since you’re part of the beta, you can find details on it in the following post:

For anyone else who is interested in joining the beta program, you can find more details on how to join the beta in the Beta Testers Requested! thread.

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