There’s probably a few different options for you:
- Create rules for each of your favorite commands and add those to your dashboard
- You can create a SharpTools rule with just an action (no triggers) and then add that rule directly to your dashboard. When you tap the rule tile, it will run your desired command.
- Create a rule and use parameters to choose which command to send
- Using a similar concept as above, create a SharpTools rule with no trigger, but use an IF condition based off a parameter (which you will send from the dashboard) to determine what action to take.
- This requires the use of the special
hyperlink syntax to run a rule with a parameter.
- Link SharpTools Variables to a Rule
- For something like volume, you could use a numeric variable tile and then create a rule that anytime the variable changed, send your desired command to the device (eg. setVolume)… or a boolean tile that toggles between the mute/unmute commands.
- Use Virtual Buttons along with a rule
- You mentioned this one in your post, but usually a similar concept with linking a virtual button to a rule
- Create a Custom Tile (developer) with desired interface and actions
- This is an advanced approach that’s really designed for developers, but I wanted to at least mention it for the record. You could use the Custom Tile functionality to build a custom interface with your desired commands and interface for your device (using the Hubitat Maker API).
Tagging @james for awareness too since he’s our resident rule expert.