Cannot save HTTP GET call

I am trying to save an HTTP Get action but it won’t save. If I change it to Post, Put, or Delete it will save.

I’ve tried the URL I’m trying to GET as well as a Sharptools trigger and it just won’t save. I have some rules with GET actions in them right now but when I try to add the same GET action it just won’t save.

What am I doing wrong?

I’m able to reproduce and I suspect it could be related to New JSON Editor + Color Picker (Rule Engine)

I’ll take a closer look when I’m in the office tomorrow and see if I can push a hotfix out.

We pushed an update today which resolves this. Make sure to refresh the page while viewing the Rule Engine to pull in the latest updates. :slight_smile:

Thanks again for reporting it!

Thank you for the quick turnaround. :tada:

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