Calendar and News Feed Tiles

Hi @Darren_Jones thanks for the bump. Check out the following post for the explanation and a workaround.

The Calendar and News Feed tiles intentionally scale with the base tile size dimension – in other words, they use the scaled font-size of a 1x1 tile.

The intention of this was that some people wanted calendar tiles that were extra wide or extra tall as they wanted to show more events and it didn’t make sense to scale the font-size along with that extended dimension.

That being said, the concept of having the Calendar and News Feed tiles aligned with the font size of a 1x1 tile probably made more sense with the non-scalable dashboards as it was more of a fixed font-size.

I’m open to revisiting this, but I think it’s more likely that we might ‘clamp’ a minimum font-size by default… or perhaps expose a setting for the content font size, but that’s something more unique to calendars/news feeds compared to most other tile types so might make more sense as a tile-setting rather than Theme Style setting.

Hm, I’m not sure that was an intentional change, so I’ve noted the feedback.

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