Add "last updated" as an attribute

I have some dashboards I use for monitoring various things, mostly temperatures in various places (refrigerators, freezers). It would be nice to have an option for the secondary attribute to display the timestamp for when the primary attribute was last updated. Since zigbee and z-wave devices are notoriously bad at communicating the proper battery levels, this will help identify any devices that may need a new battery or have fallen off your network.

@josh I noticed this is an option for one of my devices tonight but not others. Is it something that can be turned on for all devices?

It might be an attribute on the particular device that has it.

Sorry I am not following - am I looking in the wrong place? Is that what you are suggesting or am I misunderstanding?

Can you share more details about where you saw it as an option for one of your devices?

My suspicion is that particular device driver has a ‘last updated’ attribute. Whereas your other devices don’t have that particular attribute.

It doesn’t necessarily change the original request, as in theory it could probably be inferred from the state/event timestamps. But I was addressing your specific recent comment about it being available on one of your devices and I suspect that’s because the device implements a special attribute.

Sure, I have it working on a Inovelli 4 in 1 z-wave sensor through SmartThings:

trying to also get it working with an Ecolink door sensor via Hubitat but no option there:

The lastUpdate comes from the device handler as an attribute. Some have it and some don’t. Seems the hubitat built in drivers don’t always have it.


This is badly needed, I just discovered that one of my sensors hasn’t worked for 3 years, while Hubitat diligently reports those stale values. :man_facepalming:

If possible this value should come from Hubitat, not the driver itself, since most drivers don’t report this.

(Also, I can’t vote on this because most of my votes were used 4 years ago on things that still haven’t been fixed :stuck_out_tongue: I understand your need for a closed platform, though it’d be nice if the tile/thing part was more open so we can fix attribute issues, which seems to be a big chunk of the feature requests)

Hi @RedDeadFred
Thanks for being a long time community member and for supporting SharpTools! :star_struck:

You can always remove a vote from something else if you feel like this feature request is more important. I certainly understand the difficulty in choosing what’s most important to each of us though. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You can find more details on our approach to Feature Requests in this thread:

:information_source: About the Feature Requests Category

The short version is that user feedback is a key part of how we prioritize what we work on - a key part of that being the voting system which shows us what the community as a whole is interested in.

It looks like two of your votes are on feature requests in which you have the sole vote. Unfortunately, requests with low vote counts generally don’t get prioritized as we tend to prioritize the most highly voted on items in the community.

Keep in mind that we have a platform feature called Custom Tiles which gives you full control over building your own tiles. We even recently introduced the ability to Access Things and Variables in Custom Tiles.

Per the recent enhancement, exposed ‘Things’ expose the timestamp property for each subscribed attribute, so in theory you could use that to create a tile with the ‘Last Updated’ type of information. :slight_smile:

Thanks Josh for the reply! I went back and cleaned up my old votes and it reminded me of all the help you’ve provided over the years, so thank you again!

I’ll give the custom tiles a go, cheers.