About the Feature Requests category

A place to add and vote on feature requests. Help shape the future of SharpTools by voicing your opinion on what’s important to you!


  • Search to see if there’s already a similar feature request
  • Keep each post limited to a single request
    • Feel free to make multiple posts
    • Prefer multiple narrowly scoped requests over a single generic request
  • Please include use cases or examples
  • Include commentary on what problem you expect the feature will solve

Our Process

User feedback is a key part of how we prioritize what we work on. The more people that show interest in a particular feature, the more likely it is to get prioritized (the opposite is generally true too).

We’re constantly engaging with and listening to the community to better understand what’s most important to you. Understanding the use cases is a critical part of that process for us. It helps us better understand the underlying need so we can prioritize enhancements that are needed to better support the community’s needs.

Your Participation

Please consider the following guidelines when participating in the Feature Requests category:

  • Add Feature Requests

    • Please limit each topic to a single feature request
    • Search to see if someone else has posted a similar feature request.
    • If a similar feature request already exists, vote on that request and feel free to add your comments into the thread
  • Vote on Feature Requests

    • Cast your vote! Voting helps us understand how many people are interested in each feature so we can better prioritize
    • Each person has a limited number of votes, so vote on the things that are most important to you.
  • Comment on Feature Requests

    • Example use cases are especially helpful
    • Feel free to add clarifying commentary on what you’re looking for or how you would use it

Commenting and Scope Creep

The same guidelines apply to commenting on and replying to existing feature requests from other members. Please feel free to enrich the original poster’s feature request with use-cases or commentary on what problem the feature would solve, but refrain from expanding upon or deviating from the original topic of the request.

If you have your own feature request which is a spin-off of the feature request you are replying to or is otherwise different from the main feature request, feel free to create your own feature request topic. If it’s related to the original poster’s request, you can always link to your new request from the original request thread. It’s important that comments on the original request stays on topic so it’s clear to others who are voting that they are voting on the main topic of each request.

Why Narrow Scoped Requests?

It’s important that feature requests are narrowly scoped otherwise anyone can interpret it as a solution for their needs and thus the request gets upvoted fast without any real substance as to what the feature request actually is so it ultimately doesn’t get implemented since it’s so vague and fragmented.

When will X be available?

As noted above, community feedback is one factor in how we prioritize what to work on with the number of votes being a key metric.

That being said, staff will generally not respond to requests asking when a feature will be ready, prioritized, etc. When we start working on a feature or release a feature, we update the relevant feature request thread.