You've reached the limit on total number of guests that can be invited

I get this error when sharing a dashboard with my wife.

  1. I am the only email / user on my account. I believe that’s the only way to setup Sharptool. Eg, no concept of a “family” or “group”
  2. I created sharptool acct our daughter via her email.
  3. Created a dashboard and shared it with her. No issues. Works as expected.
  4. I created a sharptool acct for our son via his email.
  5. Created a dashboard and shared it with him. No issues. Works as expected.
  6. I created a sharptool acct for my wife via her email address
  7. Created a dashboard and shared it with her. Shared as expected.
  8. The dashboard I created for her contained the two dashboards created for the kids above.
  9. The dashboard for her was shared as expected however the title of each of the kids dashboard had a title of “unknown”.
  10. Logged out of her and my sharptools accts. Logged in to both. Titles are still “unknown”.
  11. Deleted the dashboard for my wife.
  12. Created a new dashboard for her.
  13. Get the error stating max limit for guests when I try to share the new dashboard with her.

Suggestions, tips, hints. Been able to do anything else I need to date. Of course, the first issue I have is sharing with her :wink:

Thanks in advance and hope I overlooked something simple.

Per the manage invitations link, there are none in flight.

Hi Robert-
Welcome to the community and thanks for posting! I just put a manually override on the guest limit on your account. Can you try again?