Xiaomi Cameras in Sharptools

Hello Guys,
Does Anyone knows how to use Xiaomi cameras with Sharptools?


Which Xiaomi camera model are you using?

If I remember correctly, most of the Xiaomi cameras only work through the proprietary Xiaomi apps (eg. Mi Home). That being said, there are alternative firmware packages that can be flashed onto some of the popular Xiaomi cameras.

For example, I previously had several Yi Cam models flashed with a special firmware that added RTSP. Once the Wyze cameras came out, I put the Yi Cams into a box and started using the Wyze models since they work well enough with TinyCam.

The official help article is here for your reference:

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Thanks Josh, I´ll read this article.
I have a Mi 360, two Mi home security cam 1080p and one Hub G2. I don´t think it will work, but I´ll try.


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Hi, did you had any success showing your cameras in sharptools?
If yes, can you please share your findings