Weather Tile - How to Setup?

In order to add a weather tile to, you’ll need to have a compatible weather device setup on your hub first.


For Hubitat, there’s several different community drivers available with the Matthew weather driver being quite popular.


For SmartThings, you’ll need to have the built-in SmartWeather Station device installed. You can add the SmartWeather Station from the SmartThings IDE:

  1. Login to the SmartThings IDE:
  2. Go to the Devices tab
  3. Click New Device button in top right corner
  4. Choose whatever you want for name and network id. Change the type to SmartWeather Station Tile. Choose your location. Leave everything else alone.
  5. Click Create.

Note: If you don’t have a zip code / location specified within your SmartThings account, you may also need to edit the newly created device’s preferences and specify a zip code.

Update Your Authorizations

When you’re done, be sure to authorize the newly created device from your user page and then you be able to add it to your dashboard and it will show up as a weather tile as shown in this thread:

Music, Weather, Spacers, and Media Tiles

Alternative Approach: Media Tiles

Alternatively, you can use Media Tiles to display weather information as shown in this help article: