VPN Service Causing issue

I added a VPN service today. (EXPRESS VPN)

While connected to the VPN I sometimes have issues connecting to my dashboards. If it does connect, it will not load some of my images used in tiles. Some it does. The images are on Imgur.

If I turn off the VPN everything works fine.

Anyone have this or similar issue?

No VPN problems using PIA (Private Internet Access).

Thanks Stan.

It’s really wierd. All of my images come from Imgur. Some load correctly, some do not when connecting through the VPN. If I disconnect the VPN they all load correctly. :thinking:

So… searching this problem on Google seems to reveal that Imgur is blocking VPN’s. When I try to go to the direct image link I get the following:

{“data”:{“error”:“Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later.”},“success”:false,“status”:403}

Moved my images over to imghippo and everything works now.