Virtual Switch by rule - Glow on/off by variable

I created virtual switch tile that is based on a boolean (TRUE/FALSE) variable.
Variable is set to TRUE once any of the lights is turned ON.

Clicking this virtual switch tile turns all lights in that area/room ON/OFF and changes the variable value respectively.

The issue is that I would like get an indication having the tile glow when variable is true and not glow once it is false. This enables getting a quick snapshot of the rooms with lights/devices turned on without creating many tiles, one per light/device.

It would be so cool to have this functionality! :smiley:

@josh, @James - please do your magic :mage:

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Hi Roy. I don’t understand the ask - isn’t that what the variable tile does? Glow when true and not glow when false? I have a variable tile, and that’s how mine is behaving.

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@Roy_Kfir, you can customize the tile color and icon to change based on the boolean True/False state. Though this is not ‘glow’ as requested, it should allow you to view the light status from distance and without creating many tiles. I’ll pass the ‘glow’ based on variable value feature request to @josh as well.


@Aaron_Drysdale, glow is the visual icon glowing effect that is only available for switch devices, and is different than the tile color.

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Ah… glow vs color change. Got it now. Yes, my setup is to change the color of the tile based on Boolean state.


@Aaron_Drysdale exactly, glow feels more intuitive to me, especially when dealing with lights.

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I would use a virtual switch, and create a rule that turns it on when any member is in, and turns it off when all are off. Then you can even make the brightness a percentage of the lights that are on in the area to so just how much the members are on. Then link to the tile to the switch. You can even then have an all on and all of event so when the switch is turned off, all member lights turn off. When the switch is turned on, all member lights turn on…

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I implemented the same functionality, controlling the % brightness together with turning the light ON and off (having a hue light behind).