Timer Rule Not Working As Expected

I created a rule that will toggle a variable from true/false every 5 minutes. (will be every hour once it works correctly)

Currently there is a time trigger every day in case this stops working for some reason, and a trigger when variable changes to “false”.

The rule waits 5 minutes then changes the variable to “true” then “false”.

The changing to “true” will trigger other rules, the changing to "false will trigger the loop of this rule. (At least that was the plan).

The logs indicate this rule is being triggered every minute as opposed to every 5 minutes. Why is this happening?

My guess is that it is being triggered both by the 300-second delay AND each day – meaning, you’ve got the rule running multiple times and not just the every 300-second delay that you wanted. So, for each day that this rule has been created, it is firing at 10:53AM regardless of the $FiveMinuteTimer changed to false. This would create it running multiple times and not in keeping with only the 300-second delay.

If you delete the rule and only establish the trigger based on it turning false (you could set it to true on a dashboard for example – but only once!) and it would only trigger every 300 seconds.

Hmmm. That makes sense! I’ll re-do the rule and just trigger it from the variable once. Is there really a need on my part to worry that something might cause it to break or not fire at some random 300 second mark? That’s the only reason I added the once every day, thinking if it stopped working at least it would restart the next day.

I have a similar rule that does stop every once in a while for no apparent reason and I currently manually trigger it again by updating the variable it uses. I’m thinking about creating a separate rule to ensure it stays active.

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