Tile to display date ONLY

I would like a tile that displays today’s date - only. I’ve not been able to find a way to extract it from clock or calendar tiles, and have not found a feed that could be used for a media tile.

If there’s a way to accomplish this, I would appreciate being pointed in the right direction!

There is a tile under “other” that will show the date and time with the option of the day. Would that work?

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Thanks - just want the date, all by itself. Wish there was a Hero attribute to get just the date…

Yep, I was looking for that also.

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Thanks for the suggestion, @Stan_Silverman. We’ve noted the request.

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@Scunny / @Stan_Silverman are there any specific date formats you would be looking for?


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I’m not actually looking for this feature and was just trying to help the OP.


I was playing with the concept a bit more tonight and thinking about the most common use cases for dates. I figure in most cases, the primary goal is to see the day of the month, so I put together a concept below:


The first tile is a ‘Day of Month’ tile that provides a neat way of quickly seeing the day of month (and the month) at a glance. The second tile probably more directly answers the concept of a tile like a Hero Attribute tile, but for dates. It provides several date formatting options that you can choose from as shown 1-2 posts up.

We’re also looking at updating the Clock tile to use a similar ‘Time Format’ option so you can use your system time format (which is what we use today), or you can explicitly choose 24h or 12h time formats.

Any thoughts on the proposed tiles / updates?


Wow! I think that first tile would really look nice.

I had been thinking along the lines of 4/8/2020, and I believe you’re saying it would be an option for the second tile.

The date as displayed in the clock tile is just too difficult for me to read on the small tiles I use.

Thanks for working on this. Any time this week will be fine…

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Yet another example of the incredible customer service.


“Incredible”, yes. “Extraordinary” works too. I’m sure we can also agree on “World Class”!
Josh and crew are the kind of folks that deserve great success.


Prefer the first tile with just the 8


This feature is now in beta:


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A post was merged into an existing topic: Date Tiles, Momentary Tile, and Headers in Hyperlink REST API