November 5, 2022, 8:56pm
Im making a weather tile that has HTML or image attributes from hubitat WeatherUndergorund driver. When I put that attribute into a super tile it shows up like this.
Same deal if I make Hero Tile with attribute
Looks like this on Hubitat device and works on Hubitat dashboard
Any way to make this work?
November 5, 2022, 9:10pm
Check out the following post:
This is a proof-of-concept for displaying HTML Attributes from Hubitat in a Custom Tile.
This is one of several sample tiles that were built as part of the Custom Tiles release and is not intended to be a fully polished tile. Please feel free to learn from it, copy from it, or play with it.
What does it do?
Some community developed Hubitat device handlers use a ‘hack’ in which they stuff device attributes with HTML to enable them to display data as tables…
You might also be interested in the Open Weather custom tile:
Display the current weather and upcoming 6 day forecast using the Open Weather custom tile!
This uses weather data from Open Weather Map, so you’ll need to register for a free API Key to try things out. Check out the instructions below for more details.
This was built as a proof of concept, but should be relatively feature complete. Feel free to learn from it, copy the code and adjust it as you see fit, or even share your own custom tile!