For the Super Tile, when you use the ‘Thing’ action, it only show commands which don’t require any arguments like on()
, off()
, open()
, close()
, etc. That way a single tap of the tile results in a single command being sent directly.
Commands that require an argument to be passed in are not included such as setLevel(100)
, setHeatingSetpoint(22.5)
, etc.
Gauge Action
Since you are already using a Gauge, you could set the action to ‘Gauge’ which enables dragging the input on the gauge to set the value. This only works with attributes that have a matching simple setter command for the attribute you’ve selected to display.
At around 2:20 in the following video, it shows how you can change the Gauge settings to allow you to control the value as well:
Gauges Available in Super Tiles! - #5 by josh
Thermostat Tile
Otherwise you could use the Thermostat Tile layout either directly in the dashboard or in a secondary dashboard that you open as an overlay.
Or you could even use another bigger gauge in a secondary dashboard if you didn’t want to allow control in the main tile, but did want to allow control in an overlay.
The Thermostat Tile is almost like a mini app with the amount of logic it has in it. It seems pretty simple at first glance, but it does a bunch of things like waiting until you’ve completed making changes before sending the command (eg. you can make multiple small adjustments up to your desired value before it sends) and queuing up the incoming responses to the commands accordingly without impacting the locally displayed value if you are actively adjusting the value.
Rule Action
While I don’t think it’s particularly applicable to this use-case, keep in mind that commands that require arguments can be used in Rules and you can use a rule as the action in a Super Tile. This enables you to run multiple commands or commands that require parameters.
This is usually more helpful when you have static values included in the rule… or different rules with different static values… or even use variables within the rules as the command arguments.
There’s also a feature request to be able to display a pop-up dimmer for commands that just accept a simple numeric input like some of the examples above: Super Tile - Dimmer Control