Solaredge monitoring whit API KEY

It’s possible integration of Solaredge monitor with a simple code and API KEY ? (sorry my bad english)

Hi @Mapix33 - welcome to the community.

I noticed that you posted this in the Feature Requests category. Are you requesting a formal integration with Solaredge? If so, please make sure to scroll up to the top to cast a vote. Keep in mind, that the level of interest in the community is a key factor we use for determining what to work on - in other words, this request would need votes!

Or are you saying you have an API Key and you are asking if you could integrate Solaredge with SharpTools somehow? If it’s the latter, yes, you might be able to use SharpTools rules along with HTTP Actions to call your Solaredge API.

Thank’s a lot for help me.
So…there are a simple code example for integration solaredge with API KEY?
the Solaredge API Integration manual are 59 pages…i know a bit HTTP language…

No, there’s not a document or example specific to Solar Edge. The following article describes how HTTP Actions can be used in SharpTools to make requests to external web services or APIs… and how to store the access the resulting values to store in variables.

Is ‘SolarEdge Monitor’ different than SolarEdge Home? From a quick Google search, I saw several announcements in July that SolarEdge was working in partnership with SmartThings, but I’m not sure what the extent of that partnership is.

If it’s available as a ‘device’ in SmartThings, you could use that to connect it to SharpTools.