Show Off Your SharpTools Dashboards!

Hey All, here’s some photos of my iPad dashboard. I have a total of 12 dashboards, 6 for my desktop and 6 for my tablet. I built each room to fit my desktop monitor first, then duplicated and arranged to fit the iPad screen.

I went for a clean and simplistic look hence the white background and large tiles to fit all of the space. The homepage is read only with a bing map showing the status of the local traffic and also a 2x2 tile where went for kind of digital photo frame type thing using google photos animations. From the homepage i click the icons in the top right to take me to a separate dash for the living room, kitchen / dining room, first floor, security and lighting, all sticking to a similar layout.

The security dash is the busiest… All sensors are green until active where they would turn a dark red to indicate movement or open. I have a few columns showing all of my sensors battery lives (will work on renaming) and a column for Home Monitor, the current active state tile is highlighted in green. Unfortunately i have the Samsung Smartcam Pro monitoring my drive so i cant get a live feed to the homepage or security page :frowning: Unless someone can show me otherwise?

Hope this provides whoever is here looking for it, some inspiration… I only created my account this week and spent most of my time trying to find/create a layout i liked :laughing:!

Feedback & Recommendations would be appreciated.