[Resolved] Sharptools + Home Assistant Sync Stuck

I installed the Sharptools add on in HA, started it, went to the web ui, authorized, selected some lights, and it worked fine.
But now i got some new divices and i did the ‘Authorize Entities’ page, clicked the submit button which changed to processing, and it just sits there forever. I’ve left it for half an hour and it’s still processing.

Have tried doing this multiple times and leaving it over an hour once, but it just sits there.

Anyone can help with this problem ?

I have HA Green version 2025-2-4

Can I ask what Hub you are using to show devices in Sharp Tools? You might find it easier to get the devices into HA right thru the hub itself, should work better too. I use Hubitat Hubs, pretty much now I use the hubs for my Zwave and Zigbee radios. There are a few devices I need from Sharptools but not many. I do still like Sharptools for it’s speed, idk why HA app is really slow on mine, even with a sparse dash.

I am using HA Green. My problem i solved. It was a problem on the sharptools server.

ah ok, so you added a zwave and zigbee radio, I use Hubitat for my radios, I do have zwave on HA green as well, but prefer keeping my hubitats as the radios reaching out where I need to

Ok. yes and i use sonoff zigbee dongle works fine.

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Unfortunately, somehow the authorization / sync flag on the account got stuck. When that happened, the system wouldn’t allow the sync process to kick-off again.

I’ve only ever seen it with Home Assistant authorizations (and maybe Homey, but I can’t remember at the moment) and it’s a very rare thing. I have an idea how we could update the flow to work around it without requiring manual intervention, but it happens so rarely that I’ve prioritized other efforts for the time being.

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