Requesting Home Assistant Connection

That would be fine. I am a new home assistant user. But enjoy SharpTools


How to be added to the HA beta? I used home assistant for a couple years now and Iā€™m very familiar with the usual daily use of it, with occasional advanced automations and integrations.

Iā€™ve added you to the beta group and sent you a PM with more details. :slight_smile:

For anyone else who is interested, you can PM @support to request access to the beta:

@josh Can you add me to the beta group as well? Very excited to try this out! Thanks

A post was merged into an existing topic: [BETA] Home Assistant Connection

All, we are excited to announce that Home Assistant Connection is available in today. Thank you for your support and feedback, and we are glad to close this one of the most popular requests for our users. :grinning: You can find more details and the instructions in our announcement post below.

yippe, I can now recommend what I started with in my smarthome, ill be honest I have gone crazy with HA and learning the dashboards and have my own wood themed base, oneā€¦ but making your own takes a bit of workā€¦ I would 100% recommend sharptools for beginners to avg people with HA thoughā€¦ nice work.


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