Presence Sensor Tile

New SmartThings user and brand new Sharptools user.

I am building out my dashboard to be viewed on my iPhone. I have Life360 presence sensors configured for my family in SmartThings. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to create a tile in Sharptools to show if someone is home or not. Can someone please point me in the right direction .

Thank you

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Welcome to the SharpTools (and SmartThings) communities!

Has the Life 360 presence devices already been authorized to SharpTools?

If not, the first step would be to run through the SharpTools-SmartThings authorization process again and make sure to check the box next to any new Life 360 devices you’re interested in.

  1. Open your User Page
  2. Tap Manage Connections
  3. Tap SmartThings
  4. Follow the authorization prompts making sure to check the boxes next to any new devices you’d like to authorize

Once the device is authorized in SharpTools, you should be able to add it to your dashboard like any other device. I can’t remember what capabilities the Life 360 devices report, but if it doesn’t default to a Presence Sensor tile, you can change the tile type (while editing your dashboard, tap the ... in the top-right corner of the tile, select Change Layout, and select Presence Sensor Tile).

I just added a tile with my wife’s Life 360 device and it shows as present.
Presence Icon

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Thanks so much for the help. I had to manage their permissions with SmartThings.

Working good!!!