I have sharptools, i got a Fibaro wall plug and that is connectet to a seawater tank, lightning etc.
i have a button for the fibaro plug and i only want it to measure kw and kwh, too bad i only can push on the button and then of course on and off. No power menu? How does i get the power measurements? I have got a few moments the power menu when clicking (on my computer, on the wall tablet ik does not work as it has no mouse) right on the mouse. But too bad no measurements.
Before i was using Home Assistant but that lacks a sharptool like presence on the wall tablet. I had a few zwave wall plugs from Everspring but on Samsung it dit not present the power measurement, only on and off switching. So i bought the expensive Fibaro but now i see it also does not do measurements???
@Bob_Walberg , it the devices also reports other attributes, like power, you can change the tile layout to Hero Attribute, which allows you to show whatever available attribute(s) in the tile.
See below for my switch device with the power measurement displayed using Hero Attribute.
Did you see the article James linked to?
yes but i miss the option hero, as you can see.
Which step are you stuck on?
@Bob_Walberg, you should select the “Change Layout” option in the menu, when tapping the ...
, not the “Edit”.
And the Fibaro’s are FGWPF-102 ZW5, so they must work with Smartthings, before i had Everspring AN 158 and Innr 120 but these are not for Smartthings (Switch do but no power).
Have you verified if the power reading is updating in SmartThings as expected, so we help narrow down the cause?
Is the cumulative energy is also zero from SmartThings? SharpTools gets the value from SmartThings, so that’s why I asked if you have verified the value in SmartThings so we know where the issue occurs.
On Smartthings (too bad its only on my tablet, i can not open it on my Macs Broser so i can not make printscreen) but on my Smartthings app i have devices and favorites but i can not see any other functions on the tiles than on and off, and i don’t know how to edit these tiles. As i tried to click on one tile the power of my Seawater Tank is going on and off. On Sharptools i can edit the tiles. In fact i only have setup devices on the smartthings app and i have directly gone to Sharptools.
You can also check the devices in SmartThings IDE site in your Mac browser. Click on the link below, login with your Samsung/SmartThing account, select your location under “My Locations” page, then click on “My Devices” at top, select the Fibaro plug, and you should see all the states of this device.
It should look like this.
From the screenshot, the issue is between the Fibaro device and SmartThings, since the energy value in SmartThing is 0 as well. I don’t have the same device to test with, but I took a quick look of its manual and it seems the energy report settings can be updated on the plug. See the manual below to verify if it is configured to report the energy consumption.
Otherwise you will need to contact SmartThings support or Fibaro support for the next troubleshooting steps.
I have bought a new Fibaro plug and that is working power and total power, so i think the other plugs are too old versions.