Phantom rule execution

I tried to find this topic existing, but has anyone had rules operate at odd times like phantom triggers from dash press? It is a rule connected to two hubitat devices to run a short garage door open/stop cycle for letting cat under the door or packages triggered by manual press. I have had it a long time with little issues as long as I have connectivity. The dashboard rule didn’t work this morning several times, but then nearly 12hrs later, starts going crazy. The rule sees the below result in logs and indicates it was coming from Dash presses, but I was watching all the dashboards ‘not being pressed’ when it happened. I would assume a rule would time out or abend if enough time elapsed. As an aside, I also have the HE app that connects the relay device and sensor in one bit of code also migrated into Sharptools. Any experience or troubleshooting thoughts? If rules stay active, do I need a kill command added to my rules? thanks in advance!

Based on the Rule ID you shared, I checked the logs just a bit further back and it looks like there were a bunch of failed attempts. The rule execution is enqueued when you tap the tile on your dashboard and in a normal scenario it runs to completion and closes out. But in the event that the enqueued rule execution fails, it uses the default retry settings for enqueued tasks (exponential backoff, many retries before being pruned out).

I’ve noted the feedback - I need to think about the implications a bit further, but my gut feeling is these enqueued rule executions from a dashboard tile tap should only try once and fail without any retries.

Thanks, Josh. It is possible that the buttons were tried later in day by someone, but my wife only recalled this morning for her part.