Nvidia Shield automations

I’m looking to try and setup an automation that allows me to control lights based on what apps I’m watching on my Nvidia Shield.

For example, if I’m just watching YouTube I don’t need the lights super low, but if I’m watching Netflix I do.

Using Google Home I can setup an automation based on the shield being on or off, though Google never actually recognizes the Shield as off so it’s moot.

Wondering has anyone achieved something similar? I’ve seen some using Plex & Kodi years back, but can’t find anything about native apps in Shield, or power status so far.

Any and all help would be appreciated :+1:t2:

I’ve seen a few users post about making a dashboard to control their TVs (@Pierce and @Daniel_Westergren)…I’m thinking you could probably do what you want if you used that approach - the Netflix button could switch to Netflix and simultaneously dim the lights.