I’m trying to get a music player tile working with Hubitat and a device driver I wrote for integrating with Volumio. But I’m having trouble getting the SharpTools music player tile to display the track info. The controls and volume are working, but none of the track info.
The driver is invoking the MusicPlayer capability, which includes the trackData attribute. According to the linked post below, trackData is used by SharpTools to get the track information and album art.
I am able to update the trackData attribute in the device properties on my hub, but it is either not being passed to SharpTools or it’s structured wrongly somehow. To troubleshoot, I statically defined trackData as an array according to the linked post above, but when I update the device attribute, the SharpTools tile never changes. I also tried passing the entire JSON return from the Volumio player to trackData (it contains mostly the same key names), but that didn’t work.
def trackData = [
artist: "ArtistName",
title: "Track Title",
album: "AlbumName",
image: "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/v2e2avfPUMA/maxresdefault.jpg",
source: "YouTube",
( updateAttribute("trackData", trackData) )
log.debug trackData
I’m at a loss for what else to try, so any suggestions would be appreciated.