More than 1 cellular phone

Hey all, is there any way to add more than 1 cell phone number that can receive an alert from a rule? Thanks!!

You can use the Twilio SMS integration if you want to have multiple destination phone numbers as recipients. You would need to setup your own paid Twilio account for that (help article).

Alternatively, there’s a bunch of other notification options available:

  • Email - most modern email services push emails near instantaneously
  • Pushover - popular solution that works with iOS and Android and supports a larger volume of messages with ‘realtime’ push
  • Pushbullet - similar to Pushover, but Android only

And with the HTTP Action functionality in rules, you can integration pretty much any service that offers a webhook or API for sending messages however you want.

I hadn’t personally tried it before, but TextBelt seems like a pretty simple API and uses prepaid credits rather than monthly subscription. I signed up for 50 messages and it seems to work fine based on my quick / lightweight testing.

Or for a more advanced version showing how you can use a variable or expressions within the content:

There’s also a ton of SMS API providers available if you don’t want to use the native Twilio integration or TextBelt. Fair warning though, it can be a pain to get setup with some of the bigger players thanks to recent regulations.