Mobile HE integration

Is there anything on the radar to integrate sharptools mobile to connect to HE? I’m waiting with breathless anticipation.

Are you referring to the SharpTools for Android app? And are you looking for a specific feature - mobile UI for viewing/controlling, Tasker plugins, widgets?

Yes, I have a wishlist. I have an automation that flips a virtual switch when our phones dock. That triggers sharptools and automateit to flip that switch. Currently i have the virtual switch set up in smarthings, which has been temperamental the past few days, so it’s not communicating over to HE. Without that working, My house doesn’t change modes or turn off at night. If I could get that out of smartthings, I’d be in heaven. Not too much to ask for right?

Cool - thanks for the clarification on the use case. :smiley:

The SharpTools Android app was originally written specifically for SmartThings and talks directly to the SmartThings API (via the SharpTools SmartApp). We have plans to rewrite the SharpTools Android app to take advantage of the platform and the new integrations - it’s a pretty big effort but it’s on our list!