Media and Thermostats

Can you clarify what you’ve tried so far and where you’re getting stuck?

Have you already setup the Wyze Cam in TinyCam? And do you already have the TinyCam webserver running? When the webserver is running in TinyCam, it should show the IP Address and port in the left navigation drawer of the TinyCam app:

From there, you’ll want to use the URL format mentioned above.

So the format:


Becomes the following (based on my screenshot):

Note that if you have different settings configured in TinyCam → Settings → Web Server, you may need to adjust accordingly. The default format assumes non HTTPS and either no Admin account set at all or the Guest Account enabled with an empty username and password.

Since the ‘Use HTTPS’ uses a self generated HTTPS cert, it won’t work properly in modern browsers anyway, so this should generally remain unchecked.

You can enable a username and password, but you’ll need to include it in the URL. For example:

:warning: On Chrome 85 and newer, you will need to allow mixed content / insecure content.