Okay, here goes!
I would like to propose a feature that is selectable in the “TILE EDITOR” where an individual tile can be “LOCKED” in place. If other tiles are not locked, they could presuambly move around the locked tile. I’m envisioning a Dashboard to look something like the skeleton in my example below, wherein the tiles are assigned a number, (like cells in an Excel Sheet).
Upon editing the tile in the “TILE EDITOR”, a new selection could be checked if that tile should be assigned a place on the Dashboard. (Also see below)
This may not be as important on smaller Dashboards, but larger Dashboards can be rather troublesome when the tiles move around unexpectedly. So if a particular tile is locked in “PLACE” “12”, that’s where it stays even if other tiles move around it.
This example shows my Dashboard next to what I envision its skeleton to look like:
It has arrows showng where I would like a “LOCKED” tile to be:
I think this would even be valuable for Spacer tiles:
Below is how I envision editing the tile to be "LOCKED:
Thinking this would be a nice little stocking stuffer @josh @James