Hubitat Status Updates Not Reflected (in Hubitat or SharpTools)

New to SharpTools, having migrated from HubiVue. So if the answer is obvious, I apologize now.

I am using Hubitat Groups and Scenes to create lighting group devices. Which are passed through to ST as well as the physical zigbee outlets.

When I use ST to turn “off “the physical outlets, they do turn off. But Hubitat thinks they are still “on”, which ST then reports. And the group still “on” also.

Using Hubivue this never happened.

Hi Rob-
Welcome to the community and sorry to hear that things aren’t working as expected.

If HV and SharpTools are configured roughly the same, there shouldn’t be any functional difference as they are both just sending on() or off() commands to your individual devices or your groups.

Can you share a bit more details about how things are configured? It would be helpful to better understand what ‘device’ is being controlled (and how) to better understand what’s going on. Perhaps some screenshots of the group, group device, and SharpTools dashboards would help.

Can you clarify what you are controlling when the outlets turn off but don’t reflect their status? I’m away from my desk at the moment (on vacation) and going from memory here, so my apologies if I’m a bit fuzzy on the details.

  • Are you controlling a ‘device’ that was created as a proxy device for a Hubitat Group?
  • If you control the individual devices from SharpTools, do their individual statuses update correctly in Hubitat?
  • If you control the group ‘device’ directly in the Hubitat device UI, do the individual device properly reflect their status in Hubitat?

The devices are zigbee outlets with table lamps attached.

Using ST - Table physical outlet on; Sideboard physical outlet on
Do they actually switched on ? Yes
Does Hubitat show they are on individually? No
Does Hubitat show the virtual group is on? No
Does ST show them as being on? No

Using Hubivue - Table physical outlet on; Sideboard physical outlet on
Do they actually switched on ? Yes
Does Hubitat show they are on individually? Yes
Does Hubitat show the virtual group is on? Yes
Does ST show them as being on? Yes

Using Hubitat - Using the Group virtual device - Group on
Do they actually switched on ? Yes
Does Hubitat show they are on individually? Yes
Does Hubitat show the virtual group is on? Yes
Does ST show them as being on? Yes

Enjoy your holiday, this isn’t important; but i appreciate the reply. Hubivue is available for another year.

Thanks for the additional details. It’s still not super clear to me how things are configured and I’m not able to reproduce the issue in my testing.

Here’s how I have my virtual group configured:

I can either control the main ‘group’ device by using a Switch Tile layout and toggling it on/off and it will pass the same command through to all the members of the group. I also tested other tile types like Color Control and Color Temperature as a test.

Similarly, if all of the individual switches are off and I control any of the individual devices directly, the group turns on as expected.

Can you send a note to with some more details:

  • Screenshot of the group configuration in the Hubitat Group App
  • Doc IDs of the ‘group’ device as well as the individual devices you’re controlling
    • I’d like to pull logs to see if I can better understand the devices that are being controlled and which commands are being sent
  • Clarification as to whether you were controlling the individual devices or group device with your tests above?