Hubitat connection spotty today and now gone?

I am getting a number of “Error sending command” messages today on Hubitat commands. Hubitat seems to be working ok. What is the best way to diagnose this? I suspect issues with the Hubitat API as has often been the case but curious. Thanks.

Hubitat side appears to be working. And now Hubitat has disappeared from my connections in Sharptools.


Seems like it is happening again on the Hubitat side. Frustrating.

Thanks for posting and sorry to hear that things aren’t working as expected communicating with your Hubitat hub. Reading through your other threads, it sounds like your hub’s connection with the Hubitat Cloud Relay is having issues, so you are on the right track posting over in the Hubitat community and trying to engage Hubitat support.

Just to be clear, the logs you showed are of the SharpTools App on Hubitat communicating with the SharpTools cloud platform. In that scenario, your hub is talking directly with our platform.

It sounds like the issue you are experiencing is going the other direction from your Dashboards trying to control your Hubitat Devices. In that case, the commands go through Hubitat’s Cloud Relay and it sounds like that’s where you’re experiencing issues. (Especially based on the logs shared above showing communication from the hub to SharpTools is good combined with your comments in the Hubitat OAuth thread and the Cloud Access Issues thread and the Cloud Access Issues - Part Deux thread.

I’ve responded over in those threads as well as this seems to be an issue with the Hubitat Cloud Servers inability to talk to your hub, thus the Hubitat community is a good place to discuss it.

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