How to Make Default and Active Tile Color the Same

It looks like something has changed since the last time I modified a tile color. I have a tile that I use for a plug power monitor display. I do not want the tile to change to the active color when the plug is on. When I check the style button then click style states I get this:
Clicking on ADD STATE gets me to this, but I am not sure what I need to do from here.

Is this on the Hero Attribute tile? It’s somewhat unique in that it lets you configure which styles are applied based on different conditions – this is particularly useful for custom attributes or numeric attributes where there could be a wide range of values you might want to match.

:link: Configure Style/Icon by Attribute Value

Single Style

If you want a single style to always be used, you can enter a comparison that will always match like switch != <blank>. Since the switch should always be on or off, that means a check for it not being blank should always match:

Two Different Styles

For a ‘normal’ switch configuration where you wanted two different states, you could do something like switch == on and switch == off for the two states:

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Thank you, this helped me to get what I was looking for.

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